Welcome to the wasteland,
to the place where we found God
sitting on a basement, drunk and naked,
without love...
(A Limine, The Wasteland)


Anónimo ha dicho que…
And I found the key to the gate.

<3 I love it.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
ya entendí, la clave está en el cabello largo... ahora entiendo tantas cosas.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hola. Well, you have done it again by having such a really quite unique and inspiring and beautiful picture on your blog that is called Bitácora de Sobremesas. I don't know if you have explained this in spanish already or if it is something that I should know on my own, but I wonder if you have created these pictures or if you have found them somewhere else because they are great either way, but if you are creating them yourself, I will be even more so impressed with it than I am already. Hasta, Alejo.

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